PIM Anthem
PIM launched its first ever anthem For the Inland at the Tracks Outback Concert in 2024.
The song tells the story of PIM through three verses, from its vast history, to present ministries, and finally looking toward the future. The tune for the anthem is Waltzing Matilda.
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For the Inland
This land of Australia, Country to our first people,
Was settled by sweat, to become a colony.
And the span of the inland, was vast, untamed, remote, hard work,
How would the gospel be spread to set all free?
T’was Flynn of the Inland, country born, and city bred,
Stirred up the kirk for a work to be done.
With a love for the bushman, out beyond that furthest fence,
Beltana Rev, is now a favourite son.
Flynn of the Inland, PIM for the Inland,
The gospel to tell, disciples to make.
We will go, we will serve, it’s for Christ and the continent,
Join with our mission, it’s worth driving for.
Early padres were tough, they went beyond, ‘nd travelled wide,
With sand in their porridge, and dry water bag.
Plowman was there, O what a toll it took on him,
Many still follow, they still fly the flag.
Years have nowpassed, New Dunesk is now our home,
Teams still go out, aMatilda goes too!
There’s no place that’s too far that, we will not attempt to go,
Nomads have strengthened the work that we do.
Our future is sure, our Saviour reigns, forevermore,
The church is triumphant, the lost shall be won.
Our hearts praise Him in prayer and, call upon the Spirits power,
Move through the inland, give glory to the Son.
We’re for the Inland, PIM for the Inland,
The gospel to tell, disciples to make.
We will go, we will serve, it’s for Christ and the continent,
Join with our mission, it’s worth driving for.
Repeat Chorus
Performed by: Zoe Tyne & the Bush Preachers
Written by: Martin de Pyle
Copyright: Zoe Tyne Music
To the Tune Waltzing Matilda (Public Domain)