Father Son Weekend at New Dunesk

14-16 July

Fathers and sons* are invited to attend this adventure filled camping weekend at New Dunesk. The weekend’s activities include spectating the Ardlethan Can Shoot, plus talks on gun safety, bonfire devotions and Sunday worship.

*Mothers and daughters who don’t want to miss out are also more than welcome to attend this event and join in with the weekend’s activities.


The cost for the weekend is $60 per person.
Children under 12 attend for free.

This cost includes:

  • Camping at New Dunesk (BYO tent, swag, caravan or camper trailer)
  • Access to all facilities, including toilets, camp kitchen and piggery conference centre
  • All Saturday and Sunday meals (Please make plans for your own dinner on Friday evening)

Please note: Only four powered sites are available. Please mark your interest in a powered site when registering. Allocation will be on a first in, first served basis.


To register your attendance at the Father Son Weekend, please contact Martin de Pyle Jnr:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 0458 182 889

RSVP and payment are required by Friday the 7th of July 2023.

Payment is to be made by direct deposit to:

Account Name: Presbyterian Inland Mission
BSB 033-397
Account Number: 213311

Participants are to identify payment with the code NDFS and their surname and initial. For example, NDFSsurname/initial.

Ardlethan Gun Club Can Shoot

The Ardlethan Gun Club Can Shoot is also running on the same weekend and spectating this event will be part of the Saturday morning activities. There is opportunity for attendees of the weekend to participate in the can shoot (noting this will require attendance at the can shoot for the full day).

Anyone wishing to participate can contact Martin de Pyle Jnr who will advise on requirements and registration details. Registration paperwork will be completed on the Friday night upon arrival at New Dunesk. No gun licence is required to participate in the can shoot.

For those who only plan to spectate the morning of the Ardlethan Can Shoot, a range of concurrent activities will be run on the Saturday afternoon at New Dunesk.


Friday 14thSaturday 15thSunday 16th
7:00Can shoot participants to
arrive at Ardlethan Gun Club
and purchase breakfast
7:30Breakfast – provided
8:00Breakfast – provided at New Dunesk
8:30Can shoot spectators to
arrive at Ardlethan Gun Club
Sunday worship in the piggery
9:30Morning tea
10:004WD demonstration
12:00Lunch – purchase at Gun club
or provided at New Dunesk
Lunch – provided
12:30Arrive from 12:30
13:00Afternoon activities
for those not participating
in the Can Shoot
17:00Social time at the
camp kitchen
Social time at the camp kitchen
18:00Dinner – Self cateredBBQ dinner – provided
19:00Firearm safety talkEvening devotions
20:00Evening devotions