Founding Partners
New Dunesk is PIM’s bold new initiative to take the gospel of the Lord Jesus to rural and remote Australia. This is a visionary and creative plan to inspire, equip and send out people for ministry.
Founding Partners is a regular giving program that allows both individuals and church groups within our community to be part of this pioneering plan for the future of PIM. Your financial support will help complete the site development for New Dunesk, including converting a piggery into a conference centre. This is your opportunity to make a real and lasting contribution towards our facilities, and assist our mission to take the good news of Jesus Christ to those living in isolated Australia.
Being a Founding Partner opens the door for you to participate in a number of onsite events as well as enjoying some other benefits not open to the general public.
Set in the wheatbelt of central New South Wales, this unique property is for the whole church. It is a place to catch the vision for being part of what God is doing across our vast continent.
A place where Jillaroos and Jackaroos network, Grey Nomads are trained and resourced, and Gap Year students gain a heart for the bush. It is a place that will see churches bush camping together, and travellers being drawn in for rest. It is where PIM’s past can be remembered and its future expanded.
We will never forget the enthusiastic applause when the plan for New Dunesk was presented to the General Assembly of Australia in 2019. Such a bold plan can only remind us of a similarly ambitious vision in John Flynn. This shared vision is a faithful response to the great commission of Christ. Rural Australia has presented PIM with a need, and we have responded to the call. The national Church has endorsed our vision – but now we need you to join with us to realise that vision.
With ongoing, monthly donations, you our trusted donors can help us bring Christ to inland Australia in a way never seen before. There are three ways you can become a Founding Partner.
Join Club 100 and commit to $100 per month for 3 years and you will enjoy the following benefits:
- Commemorative Founding Partners pin
- New Dunesk commissioned limited edition artwork
- Beyond the Furthest Fences coffee table book
- Annual on-site event at New Dunesk
- Open invitation to camp at New Dunesk for three years
- Free attendance at one New Dunesk training event per year for three years
Alternatively, join Club 50 and commit to $50 per month for two years you will enjoy these benefits:
- Commemorative Founding Partners pin
- Annual on-site event at New Dunesk
- Open invitation to camp at New Dunesk for three years
Or become a Business Sponsor and benefit from:
- Business promotion at New Dunesk and in PIM national communications
- Free use of New Dunesk facilities for one staff conference over three years
(Business donations are invoiced as sponsorship expense)
If you’d like to know more, please call 0438 868 964 or email [email protected]