
Stuart Bonnington

PIM’s Superintendent Stuart Bonnington is appointed by the PIM Committee to support the PIM Teams, advance the mission objectives of PIM, and enable New Dunesk to ‘inspire, equip and send out’ people for Gospel work in Australia.

Stuart spends much time away from his home in Albany, Western Australia, visiting congregations and seeking to encourage PIM workers. He strives for intentionality in evangelism and discipleship, extending Christian pastoral care and partnering with local churches.

Stuart has served as a local church pastor in both Western Australia and Victoria since 1990, most recently serving at Fremantle Presbyterian Church in WA. He previously served as Superintendent for PIM from 2005 to 2015.

Stuart welcomes any contact from individuals and churches. He is eager to engage with people Australia wide, working together in partnership to reach into the regions beyond with the word of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:16).

To contact Stuart:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0438 868 964

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