Exciting Gospel advance in outback WA


In this latest edition of On Track for 2024 we are pleased to report that PIM continues to advance by the grace of God. New fields of work are beginning to emerge and open before us, while we also …

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Gospel Inspiring, Equipping and Sending


This latest edition of On Track may be shorter than what you’re accustomed to reading, but it is by no means any less encouraging. There’s a number of updates from the PIM Committee, introducing a …

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Sending out Gospel Nomads


This latest edition of On Track for 2024 is packed full of encouraging stories that reveal the impact of the Gospel. Catch up on how the Gospel Nomads are going after their Orientation and Training …

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Out west – patrol and parish together


In this first edition of On Track for 2024, read about how Doug and Marcia Walker from the St George Patrol, and Rev Glen Perkins from Miles-Roma Presbyterian Church are working side-by-side for the …

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The closing of the year


This last edition of On Track for 2023 is packed full of stories about YOU – our supporters, our prayer partners and our fellow workers for Christ. Be encouraged by the work of the Gospel through …

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Bonnington is back with PIM


There’s plenty of announcements to make and milestones to celebrate in this August edition of On Track. We welcome Stuart Bonnington back into the role of Superintendent, beginning January 2024. …

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Celebrating Easter in the High Country


This June edition of On Track is packed full of highlights from the year’s events so far, including an Easter housewarming in the Snowy Mountains, ANZAC Day in the outback town of Beltana, and an …

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God’s wonderful providence


In this first edition of On Track for 2023, there’s no shortage of incredible stories for you to read and exciting events for you to be part of. Read an update from Alvin Chai in Mount Magnet, …

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Denness of Dunesk


In this edition of On Track, there’s plenty to report on for the year that was, as we wrap up 2022 and look forward to what 2023 has to offer. Hear about the progress at New Dunesk, the success …

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Bush friendships


In this edition of On Track, you’ll get to know some new faces at PIM while also catching up with old friends, as we hear from some of the patrol teams that are driving across Australia for the sake …

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